'87 bids fair to be the largest class ever entered at Yale. - [Courant.
The faculty at Princeton have objected to students having private servants.
The time of the recent eight-oared race between Oxford and Cambridge in England was 21 min. 18 sec.
A comprehensive "History of the Edinburgh University" has been undertaken by Sir Alexander Grant, its present principal, and is now nearly completed.
Yale has new candidates for the sprints and also half-mile and bicycle race. What is now wanted is a mile runner, a walker, one to put the shot and a jumper.
"Scrub" nines at Yale which play occasional games are there called "amateur," to distinguish them from the University nine, which is looked upon tacitly as "professional."
Prof. McMaster of Princeton, author of the lately published "History of the People of the United States," will write the life of Franklin in the American Men of Letters Series.
An alumnus of Oberlin says that Western college life to a large degree lacks the fun and jollity of the typical New England college. The reason for this difference is not stated.
Palatinate College, Pennsylvania, got rid of an obnoxious president in a queer way. The trustees leased the institution for three months, and the president was thus left hanging in mid air.
The faculties of Bates and Williams have excused the editors of the college papers from a portion of the literary work of the curriculum, a precedent that we hope will be followed elsewhere.
"The prospects for success for the freshman nine," says the Yale News, "are encouraging; the competition for places has been brisk, some thirty men have been in training, and the work in the gym. has been faithfully done."
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