Professor Cook has raised the marks in Freshman German.
There are fifteen men trying for the University cricket team.
A delegation of sophomores visited Wellesley College yesterday.
This month's Atlantic has an article on "College Athletics" by Andrew M. F. Davis.
Rev. F. G. Peabody will conduct week-day morning prayers from April 19 to May 23.
Prof. Cooke is at present in Washington attending the sessions of several scientific societies.
The current Continent contains a poem by Charles F. Lummis, '81, entitled "My Meerschaum."
The annual examination of the maximum sections in Freshman Greek will be confined to the Odyssey.
Mr. Charles H. Moore is intending to publish a set of "Examples for Elementary Practice in Delineation."
Mr. Huntington gave the lecture to the Freshman Chemistry section yesterday in the absence of Prof. Cooke.
Tickets for the Pudding theatricals this evening and tomorrow evening can be bad at 39 Matthews from 12 to 1 today.
The marks were given in History 10 at the recitation yesterday. The rest of the marks will probably be ready on Saturday.
Voluntary recitations are held in Roman Law 2 immediately after the regular recitations, on the work done before the semis.
Mr. Hill, Pach Brothers' special photographer for the interior of rooms, will be in Cambridge again Tuesday morning next. All desiring to have views of their rooms taken will please leave an order for the same at the studio. On Tuesday interior views of rooms in Thayer will be taken.
The laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is claimed to be the finest in the world.
Pach has just received for use in the studio a background which will be used in taking the pictures of the crews. It represents the floats at the boat-house in New London and gives a view of the river.
The next thesis in Philosophy 3 is due Thursday, May 1. Subject: "Must duty be expressed in categorical imperatives or is it possible for it to be expressed in hypothetical imperatives." This will be the last thesis of the year.
A new background is now being made for Pach, to be used in taking the positions of the nines, the foot-ball teams, etc. It represents the upper end of the college yard and takes in a number of the college buildings with Holworthy in the background.
At the last meeting of the Union for the year, last night, the subject of compulsory prayers were fully discussed, but not much new was brought forward. The secret ballot taken before the debate resulted 33 against the present system, 27 in favor of it. After the appointed disputants had opened the debate a ballot was taken resulting 20 in favor and 33 against the system, and the final vote of the house was 12 in favor and 22 against.
In an informal race between the freshman and Union crews yesterday afternoon, the latter crossed the line winners by about three-fourths of a boat-length. The freshmen pulled pluckily and in good form, although showing up rather poor at the start. The course was a mile and a quarter in length, from the Brookline bridge to the Union boat house. Included among the spectators were a number of prominent sporting men from Boston.
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