A club table of gentlemen can be accommodated at Mrs. Clark's, 404 Harvard street.
Tutoring in Algebra and Analytics, maximum and minimum. George W. Sawin, 27 Hollis.
One club table of 12 or 13 can be accommodated at 5 Linden street, front room. Mrs. Mooney.
Lost, Wednesday morning, on Jarvis field, a gold and enamel "jockey" scarf pin. Finder will please return it to T. J. Coolidge, Jr., 21 H'y.
For sale - A sloop yacht, five years old. Roomy cabin, good cruiser, all appurtenances. For price and furthur particulars apply to W. E. Haskell, 32 Holyoke.
Any young gentleman desiring to join another for an extended European tour at a moderate expense should address C. J. Hartwell, 925 Clinton street, Philadelphia, Pa.
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Republican Dinner.