A submarine cable between Spain and Cuba is projected.
Yesterday was the last day of the President's visit to Florida.
Col. Nehemiah Ripley of the Rockland House, Nantasket, died yesterday morning at Hingham.
It is quite probable that the coronation of the Czar of Russia will be postponed until the 10th of June.
Scheller, accused of firing the Newhall House, at Milwaukee, was acquitted yesterday after a trial of one week.
The Boston Base Ball Club defeated the Baltimore nine yesterday by a score of 6 to 4. Twelve innings were played.
Queen Victoria left Windsor yesterday morning for Osborne. The route along which she passed was carefully guarded by police and troops.
In the Tewksbury investigation yesterday the testimony of Mrs. Abbie Barker and of Mr. Chas. B. Marsh was received. The overhauling of the books of the almshouse was begun.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., April 18, 1883, 1 A. M. For New England, fair weather, light, variable winds, slight changes in temperature, stationary or higher barometer.
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