The following groups will be photographed today: K. N. at 10 A. M.; Lampoon at 12 M.; HERALD at 2 P. M.
The death of Captain John F. Devereux of Iowa, a graduate of Harvard in the class of 1856, is announced.
A large hospital is to be erected on a nine acre lot between Mt. Auburn street and the Charles river.
Prof. Child reads "Chaucer's Prologue to the Canterbury Tales" (condensed) in Sever 11, at 7.30 P. M. today.
Owing to the lateness of the season, the Saturday excursions of the section in N. H. IV., will not begin until a week from today.
The fifth nine from the Hasty Pudding Club from '84 is as follows: J. G. Coolidge, Butler, Townsend, Cobb, Abbott, Ladlie, Latham and Bullard.
Messrs. Case, Brooks and Burch have been appointed a committee to conduct the coming elections of the Dining Association.
The election for president and vice-president of the Dining Association will occur Wednesday, April 25th; the election for directors will occur Thursday, April 26th.
The bracket at the west end of Memorial is to hold a bust of Gen Bartlett. Other busts, including one of Ralph Waldo Emerson, will also be placed in the hall.
The new addition to Hilton is to be called West Hilton. Both halls will be heated by steam in the entries, and the rooms of the new portion will contain open fire places.
The next meeting of the Harvard Union will be held on Thursday evening, April 19th. The subject for debate will be, "Resolved that compulsory attendance at morning prayers at Harvard should be abolished." J. Prentiss, '84 and T. H. Root, '85 will support the affirmative and E. A. Hibbard, '84 and G. P. F. Hobson, '86 the negative. As this will be the last meeting this year and as this subject concerns every Harvard man, it is hoped that there well be a large attendance.
There will be a meeting of the freshmen interested in lacrosse Monday evening at 7 o'clock sharp in 14 Holyoke, A full attendance is desired.
S. C. JONES, Captain pro tem.
The freshmen propose to challenge the eight of the Union Boat Club of Boston to row a mile straightaway race in eight-oared barges on the Charles river some time during the last of the next week.
A base-ball association has been organized at Boston University Law School. F. S. Hall, of last year's Harvard nine, is president, and J. C. Morse, '81, manager. A game will soon be arranged with the Tufts College nine.
The last opportunity for signing the book at Bartlett's for the sophmore class dinner at the Quincy House near Scollay square, Boston, tomorrow evening, is given this morning before 10. All members of the class who have not yet signed should do so immediately.
Dr. Asa Gray, in company with Dr. J. Hammond Trumbull, reviews, in the April number of the American Journal of Science, Dr. Candolle's "Origin of Cultivated Plants," with the result of claiming more indigenous plants for America than the Swiss botanist allows. A second article is promised in the next number.
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