

There was a cut in Political Economy I. yesterday.

The Harvard-Beacon game occurs at 3 P. M. today.

The price of board at Memorial for the month was $4.66.

There was no recitation in Political Economy 1 yesterday.

There were no lectures in Sophomore Rhetoric on Thursday.


The seniors rowed in their cedar shell for the first time yesterday.

The freshman nine play against the Lynn Club, at Lynn, today.

Ayers of last fall's foot-ball team is trying for the university crew.

Law School commencement parts must be handed in by May 1st.

The Harvard Library was the first to adopt the "card catalogue" system.

The ground on Holmes Field has been staked out for the new physical laboratory.

The marks in Political Economy 2 were given out yesterday. They ran high.

The Pi Eta society has decided to give an entertainment for the benefit of the crew.

Mr. Crocker will be unable to play with the nine for some time on account of a broken finger.

The section in French 2 has begun Racine. The first play which will be read is the Andromaque.
