

The first number of the Amateur Athlete, the official organ of the National Association of Amateur Athletes, has appeared. It is a weekly journal of twelve pages, of about the same size and typographical appearance as the Wheel. It aims to be a complete exponent of amateur athletics. It states its position in the following words: "The doings of men in athletic circles, not only in New York and throughout the country, but at the colleges. are too often slighted in the ordinary sporting papers to accommodate the professional and so-called 'sporting' element, to whom they look for support. We not only feel, but know, that there is a field for a fair and impartial exponent of amateur athletic sports of every description. We propose to supply this want." Its scope includes all branches of amateur athletics, while college athletics are fully represented by special correspondence.

It has been proposed that the Amateur Athlete be appointed the official organ of the Inter-collegiate as well as of the National associations, and this proposition will doubtless be adopted. To strengthen the connection between this paper and the colleges. Mr. B. W. Mclntosh of Princeton, secretary of the I. C. A. A., has been secured as an editorial contributor. College men are especially appealed to for its support.
