The Harlem regatta occurs Friday, June 1st.
The Latin School of Boston is to organize a nine.
There were no recitations in Latin 6 and 8 yesterday.
Toronto University has formed a boat club for competition with colleges in the United States.
Mr. Charles A. Hobbs, '80, has composed "Jolly Good Time March" which has just been published.
Mr. R. B. Wilcox, '83, is to address the Finance Club tonight on Mr. Haskell's speech in the House of Representatives.
The Toppan prize essay on "Protection to Young Industries," by F. W. Taussig, has been published by Moses King.
The Pall Mall Gazette severely criticises Dr. Dix's position in reference to the admission of women to Columbia College.
Gen. Diaz of Mexico and his party visited Harvard yesterday early in the afternoon, and were received by President Eliot and Prof. Agassiz.
Important rehearsal and business meeting of the Pierian tonight. Members are reminded that the new rule goes into effect at this meeting.
A call has been made for an Inter-Collegiate Tennis Association which is to include Yale, Trinity, Brown, Amherst, Williams and Wesleyan Colleges.
Students who intend to be candidates for second year honors, but who have neglected to leave their names at the office, are requested to notify Prof. Dyer at once.
President Eliot has excited the ire of some religious newspapers. The Guardian delicately observes: "As the maudlin president of Harvard once said in a post-prandial speech." The Christian at Work says: "It is simply untrue that 'seminaries bid against each other for young mendicants.' The language is as slanderous in spirit as it is offensive in form."
During the recess Messrs. Brewer and Maverick, of the Harvard Bicycle Club, took a trip on the wheel to Portsmouth, N. H. They made the distance in one day and returned the next.
The Amateur Athlete congratulates Harvard on its good fortune in securing new athletic grounds and hopes that "other colleges will do likewise, following the example of Harvard and Yale."
Another attempt upon the life of the beech tree in the hollow between Weld and Matthews was made during the recess. This makes the third unsuccessful trial to destroy that unoffending object.
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English C.