

All reading notices in the HERALD must be paid for in advance.

No recitation in Greek 9 today.

Marks in English VII. ranged from 97 to 30 per cent.

Marks were given out in Political Economy I. yesterday.

A farce will be given Friday evening at the rooms of the Everett Athenaeum.


The second Senior Forensic will be returned today from 3 to 4.30 P. M. in Sever 1.

Dr. Royce gives his second lecture on "The Religious Aspect of Philosophy" in Sever 11 this evening.

Seventy-five cents each will be given for two reserved seat tickets for the last meeting. Apply at Drury's.

The Seniors' Farewell of the Pi Eta Society will occur March. 30. Sullivan's comedy, "Papa Perrichon," will be given.

The Entomological Club will meet Friday evening in the office of Science, when Mr. George Dimmock will read a paper.

Freshman advanced section in Greek began the Odyssey yesterday. The other sections will probably do so during this month.

Freshman advanced German under Prof. Cook begin a new text-book today. The one discarded was of too fine print, and had to be exchanged.

The two seats which have been added in the rowing room have proved a source of great convenience to the substitutes, enabling them to row in the afternoon.

A system of written recitations is to be inaugurated in N. H. I. These recitations will take up the first ten or fifteen minutes of the hour and will supersede the present oral recitations.

Mr. Nathaniel Thayer, one of the most munificent benefactors of Harvard College, died at his residence in Boston yesterday morning. His direct benefactions to the college, represented by buildings, endowments and permanent deposits, exceed $250,000, and include his expenditures on Thayer Hall, Thayer Commons Hall, Gray Herbarium, the Thayer expedition, etc. The gross sum

The senior class at Vassar are endeavoring to have the practice of bestowing "honors" at graduation discontinued. The claim is that competition in studies destroys wholesome effort. It is not expected, however, that the college authorities will see fit to grant the request.

is in addition to a considerable amount which for a long series of years, through channels of his own choosing, he has distributed as pecuniary aid to students in the college and to scholars in preparation for it.

Under the heading, "Amateur Athletics," the New York Tribune of Monday used the following language : "The professional tendency of amateur athletics is much to be regretted. Harvard and Yale squabble for weeks over points of detail in regard to their annual race, and the impression produced upon the public is that each is trying its best to outwit and get the best of the other. Is this the spirit of generous emulation which should characterize gentlemen who engage in athletic sports? College base-ball clubs have been handled by professional trainers, and have obtained their practice by playing professional clubs - something happily put an end to at Harvard."
