

The Yale University Crew row daily in the harbor.

The marks in History 12 will probably not be out till April.

Dr. Snow lectures on the "Munroe Doctrine" in History 12 tomorrow.

The Dartmouth sophomores have been put on probation for the rest of the year.

We are glad to learn that Brown intends making a needed improvement in her base-ball field by leveling the hill in right field.


Following the precedent set last year, the 'varsity crew will probably give an exhibition pull on the hydraulic machines on each of the ladies' days at the athletic meeting.

Prof. Child has spent twenty-five years on his collection of Scotch and English ballads which is now being published. Queen Victoria is the first English subscriber to the work.

The rooms of the Institute of 1770 will be open tonight from 7.30 to 10. Until further notice they will be open every Monday evening and not as heretofore on Tuesdays and Fridays.

In the official list of batting averages, as made out by Secretary Merrill of Brown, the three highest averages were those of Durfee, Smith and Chase of Brown, while Green and Payne of the same college are found in the first ten. The remainder of the first ten is made up of one from each of the other colleges, Olmsted being Harvard's representative.

The following men have been elected into the Phi Beta Kappa Society from the class of '83: Lloyd, Haskell, Jennison, Cummings, F. Nichols, Babbitt, Ranney, Marsh, Denniston, Wyman, Fay, Faxon, Sheffield, Lane, J. R. Coolidge, and Lowell. The first eight from '84 are Gates, Stewart, Jewett, Bunker, Johnson, J. Bridge, W. A. Gardner, and Hubbard.

The Glee Club gave an excellent concert before the Boston Art Club Saturday evening, which was thoroughly appreciated by their audience. The programme was as follows: 1. Amontillado Sherry (Wister Reagh). 2. Solo, by Mr. Lilienthal. 3. Serenade (Marschner). 4. College songs. 5. Kommt ein Vogel. 6. Solo, by McCagg. 7. College songs. Fourteen college songs were rendered, and these seemed especially enjoyed.

The Fourth Forensic will be due March 29. Subject: Can a designed event be distinguished from a result? 2. Which of the natural sciences is the most valuable as an element in a general education? Did man exist on earth before the last glacial period? 4. Would the French Republic act wisely in expelling the members of former reigning families? 5. What effect has a protective tariff upon wages? 6. What place among the great composers will be assigned to Richard Wagner?

The independent, self-reliant spirit which has grown up at Harvard, partly as a result of the liberal policy by which the government of the university has intrusted to the students the regulation of their own conduct, is less heard of than its rival, "Harvard indifference," but it exists for all that. When men are treated like men instead of like children they begin to feel and act like men. The two great students' organizations, the Harvard Dining Association and the Harvard Co-operative Society, are evidences that the Harvard undergraduate is pretty well able to take care of himself. He had grumbled at the size of his book and coal bills long enough, and when the way to reduce them was pointed out to him he took it.

The success of the Harvard society has suggested to men at Yale and other colleges to attempt something similar, but as yet nothing but talk has been accomplished. There is no evident reason why Harvard's example cannot be followed by every college in the United States, and in view of the great interest in the experiment manifested at Amherst, Princeton, Yale, Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania, there is yet room for hope that the Harvard society may be only the leader of a long line of useful organizations. If several of our leading colleges could maintain societies of this character they could act together in the importation of foreign books and in some other departments of trade, and could accomplish much more than any organization can hope to do single-handed. A moderate amount of energy and public spirit would suffice to found a strong and useful society at any of the colleges named. - [N. Y. Times.
