

'86 has a class debt of one dollar.

There was a cut in History X. Saturday.

The freshman examinations begin today.

Freshman Latin examination occurs today.

The freshman crew goes out every day after the 'Varsity.


Several Brown College men attended the games Saturday.

Prof. Wadsworth's next lecture will not be given until April 18th.

Rehearsals of the Hasty Pudding Club today at 11 A. M. and 2 P. M.

There are still some tickets at Bartlett's for the extra meeting tonight.

The O. K. group will be photographed at Pach's studio today at 11 o'clock.

The substitutes of the freshman crew are coached daily in pair-oars by Capt. Borland.

Theses in Philosophy IV. have been postponed till the first Thursday after the recess.

Junior Theme IV., excepting from Abbot to Ellis, will be returned tomorrow, March 27.

It will probably require several days to construct a new coil for the steam launch. A Philadelphia firm will build it.

Prof. Child will finish his reading of Chaucer's "Franklin's Tale" and will read from the prologue in Sever 11 at 7.30 this evening.

The division in Philosophy IV. has just completed Hume's Essays. Dr. Royce will spend the rest of the year in lecturing on subjects suggested during the course.

The Political Economy petition will be found at Bartlett's, where all who have not yet signed and desire to do so will find it. It will remain there until tomorrow night.

Coit, '83, has been appointed consular secretary at the American legation at Teheran, Persia, and leaves for there Saturday. He is the oldest son of Rev. Joshua Coit, secretary of the Home Missionary Society.

The senior farewell theatricals of the Hasty Pudding Club will be given on Tuesday, March 27th, at 8 o'clock. The play will be "Robinson Crusoe."

The Mott Haven cup cost $300. This amount was collected by subscriptions from the various colleges - Harvard and Columbia giving the largest amount. Yale gave nothing towards its purchase.

John Lovett, the only fruit vender allowed in the college buildings, came to this country twenty-nine years ago. He spent his first night in America in Cambridge and since that time has never passed one away from it.
