

The university nine began outdoor practice yesterday.

Prof. Ladd's third lecture will be given in Divinity Hall today.

Reserved seat tickets for the Saturday meeting can be had at Drury's.

Freshman recitations have been slimly attended during the last few days.

The class of '79, P. E. A., will meet in 17 Holworthy next Tuesday evening.


There will be no meeting of the Everett Athenaeum this (Friday) evening.

T. H. ROOT, Sec.Muller & Donaldson's "History of Greek Literature" has been stolen from the shelves of the Greek alcove in the library.

There were about fifty tickets each on floor and gallery still left at Bartlett's yesterday for the extra athletic meeting of next Monday.

A number of men on the freshman crew are laid up with the eczema, a disease which seems very prevalent and even contagious now.

A. R. Marsh, '83, read an essay on "Mimnermus" to the section in Greek 9 yesterday. Mr. Sheffield also read a translation of selections from this poet.

The first public meeting of the Total Abstinence League begins at 7.30 P. M. today in Sever 11. Hon. John D. Long and Rev. E. E. Hale will deliver addresses.

Mr. Noble, '84, resigned the captaincy of the lacrosse team yesterday afternoon on account of press of other duties. Davis, '83, was elected captain in his place.
