Now that the spring seems fairly opened and the snow and ice have nearly disappeared from Holmes and Jarvis, the nines and lacrosse teams should lose no time in beginning out door practice. Yale has had her base-ball men on the field for some days past and already signs of strength in her nine are becoming noticeable. With this promptness set to us for an example we have every reason to make all haste to get out of doors, for gymnasium practice, valuable as it may be, cannot be compared with faithful practice on the field. A few lacrosse men have made their appearance on the north side of Holmes, thus showing their desire to begin steady work. As yet, however, the snow and ice on Holmes have interfered with extensive practice, so it will be a day or two before the team can set their posts and have a regular game. Until then there is sufficient work to be done by the new men to keep them busy if they are to attain anything like proficiency in the many elements of this popular sport. A few days of preliminary out door practice might also do much to help the nines before they are called upon to begin their steady playing.
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