At a meeting of the directors of the Bicycle Club Tuesday evening, the date of the races to be held at Beacon Park was fixed for Wednesday, May 16. The following programme was adopted, open, however, to change: College-1/2 mile, 1 mile, 3 miles; open-5 miles, 1 mile. It was decided to give cups for prizes in the open races and medals in the college.
The freshman examinations have been posted as follows: Latin, Monday, March 26th, advanced sections I. and II., to Snyder, in Sever 27; advanced II., Snyder to Zeller, and minimum sections in Sever 29; sections a and c in Mass. 1; section b in Mass. 3. On Tuesday, advanced section 1. and section a, Greek, will go to Mass. 1; advanced II. in Sever 35; section b and minimum in Sever 37; section c in U. E. R. All sections in French on Wednesday go to Sever 37. Thursday, Prof. Cook's sections in German in Sever 37; Mr. Lutz's sections 3 and 4 in Mass. 1. and advanced II. in Mass. 3. Sections 1 and 2 in Physics, on Friday, go to Mass. 3; 3, 4 and 5 to Mass. 1; 6, 7, 8 to Sever 37; maximum in U. E. R. Saturday, Mathematics 1 and 2 in Mass. 1; section 3 in Mass. 3; section 4 in Sever 37; maximum in U. E. R. On Monday, sections 1 and 2 in Classical Lecture meet in Mass. 3; 3, 4 and 5 in Mass. 1. Conditioned men go to Mass. 3.
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