Freshman tutoring for March examinations. W. H. Page, Hollis 16.
One or more club tables accommodated at Mrs. Fuller's, 16 Oxford street.
Wanted - Three reserved seats for the last winter meeting, Saturday 24th. $1.50 a piece will be paid at Drury's.
Tutoring in Freshman Minimum Greek; and Maximum Latin, (especially the DeAmicitia). Address Holyoke 7.
If anyone will exchange two gallery seats for two floor seats for next Saturday, he will do a great favor by notifying C. B. Davis, 16 Hilton.
Tutoring in Freshman Maximum Mathematics, Trigonometry, Maximum and Minimum Physics and Algebra. A. G. Webster, 20 Prescott street.
For sale - A sloop yacht, five years old. Roomy cabin, good cruiser, all appurtenances. For price and further particulars apply to W. E. Haskell, 32 Holyoke
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Appleton Chapel.