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The New York Harvard Club met at Delmonico's Saturday evening and discussed the establishment of a fund, the interest on which shall be used to aid meritorious students in Harvard University. It is proposed to raise by subscription at least $10,000, the annual income from which would be $600. With this money it is thought that five or six students in Harvard could be materially assisted. The scheme was warmly urged by Messrs. R. A. Brick, C. C. Beaman. W. A. Purrington, and others, who expressed the belief that such a fund, created by the New York Club, would be imitated in other cities where similar clubs exist. Messrs. John O. Sargeant, R. A. Brick, James J. Higginson, N. A. Prentiss, Arthur Holland, W. A. Purrington, Dr. C. Cleveland and Dr. Francis M. Weld were appointed a committee to consider the matter and report at the next meeting.
