Junior Theme 5 is due today from Division A.
The cup offered for general excellence is on exhibition in Bartlett's window.
The price of board at Memorial, to be charged in the term bill, is $4.58 per week.
Hartley, '86, has not been able to row for some days on account of a slight illness.
Mr. Snow, in History 12 today, will lecture on the tariff acts of 1824, 1828, and possibly of 1832.
Mr. Hall's examination in Freshman Physics will extend through the chapter on thermo-dynamics, Vol. II.
Prof. Norton was unable to lecture yesterday, but hopes to be able to continue with his courses on Wednesday.
The university and freshman lacrosse teams have begun playing on Holmes. The interest which the freshmen are showing gives promise of a good team this spring.
Mr. Edward Atkinson lectures in Sever 11 at 7.30 P. M. today on "Fire as a Factor in our National Taxation," with diagrams illustrating the method of combustible architecture.
To illustrate the follies of "scientific" warfare. Prof. Child instances the fact that to build and equip a modern ironclad costs about as much as it would to establish such a university as Harvard.
Arrangements have been made so that instead of having the street cars stop at the railroad crossing, the locomotive will be required to make a full stop 150 feet from each crossing, and send a man ahead to see that the gates are down. A happy solution of the problem.
The Hasty Pudding Club will give theatricals in aid of the University Boat Club in Philadelphia on Wednesday evening, April 4th, and on Thursday afternoon, April 5th, and in New York on Friday afternoon, April 6th. The play will be "Conrad and Medora."
The tug-of-war teams from '83 and '86 are hard at work in preparation for next Saturday's contest. '83 is the favorite.
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Appleton Chapel.