The lacrosse men occupy the cage all the time when it is not in use by either of the two nines, that is, from 11 A. M. till 2 P. M., with occasionally an extra hour or two in the afternoon. The work consists of practice in throwing and catching, the candidates being divided up into squads of three or four men, each squad using the cage two or three hours every week.
There are at present twenty-one candidates: Richards, '86; Griffin, '86; Fible, S. S.; Marquand, '85; Davis, '83; Coit, '83; J. M. Goodale, '85; Easton, '83; Pope, '86; Hood, '86; Roundy, '86; Smith, '86; Williams, '85; Bradford, '85; Fessenden, '86; Woods, '85; Rogers, '86; Noble, '84 (capt.); Jones, '86; Weld, '85; Reuter, '84.
As soon as spring opens new candidates will come out and some of the foot-ball men will probably, in accordance with Capt. Appleton's advice, begin to play. On the whole the prospects for a good team next season are excellent, and, with conscientious work, we can probably keep up the reputation we have so justly earned. It must be borne in mind, however, that nothing but conscientious work can accomplish this result. Some men who play lacrosse seem to look on it simply as a pleasant recreation and so think it unnecessary to practice more than semi-occasionally. Conscientious training is as necessary to success in lacrosse as it is in base-ball and rowing, for the game requires great powers of endurance as well as precision of action. We hope that the work during the coming season will necessitate no criticism on this score.
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Track and Field Athletics at Yale.