

Auditors' Report-Resolutions.

Bills paid $10,689.00

Water charge 55.69

Interest on debt 241.55

Interest on advances 21.03

Reduction of debt 166.67


Summer repairs 175.00

Crockery assessments 87.56

Sunday absences 256.80

Stock on hand Feb. 1 2,517.39



Stock on hand March 1 $2,322.34

Sale of bones and grease 245.63

Sale of swill, etc. 35.27

Sale of cold food 80.00

Extras ordered 1,066.70

Crockery charged to surplus 44.63

Repairs charged to surplus 21.45

Gas and wood charged to Sanders

Theatre 13.62

Lunch, Iust. of Mining Engineers 186.25

Balance 10,194.86


Dividing the balance by 2189, the number of weeks, gives $4.65, and adding the head money, .03, we have $4.68 as the cost of board per week.

Total for mo. Per W'H.

Provisions $6.514.39 $2.97

Service 1,963.32 .89

Coal 342.51 .16

Water 55.69 .08

Gas 169.44 .03

Crockery assessm't 87.56 .04

Interest 262.58 .12

Reduction of debt 166.67 .03

Summer repairs 175.00 .08

Sunday absence 256.80 .12

Miscellaneous 200.90 .09

$10,194.86 $4.65

Head money .03


It was resolved that insomuch as the gentleman concerned in the affair of last Sunday had voluntarily withdrawn from the hall, the board of directors would take no action with regard to him. Also that a committee of two be appointed to investigate the whole affair, and take such action, subject to the approval of the board, as seems fit.
