

Marks are out in English 5.

There will be no lecture in History X. Thursday.

The Princeton nine has begun out door practice.

Whist tournaments are becoming the rage at other colleges.

Professors at Brown are declaring against the marking system.


Mr. Robert Toppan, '58, has been elected a member of the Finance Club.

The subject of Dr. Sargent's lecture this afternoon is, "The Blood - the Condition of Vitality."

Dr. Wadsworth will lecture at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, on "Peritodites," at 2 P. M. today.

Mr. MacVane gave an interesting review of Gen. Walker's Political Economy before the Finance Club last evening.

Mr. MacVane will continue his review of Gen. Walker's Political Economy before the Finance Club next Tuesday evening.

Mr. C. P. Parker reads the VI. Book of the Aencid, "The Descent into Hades," this evening in Sever 11 at 7.30 P. M.

Tomorrow is positively the last day for handing in orders for class photographs, to ensure delivery by the 10th of June. Orders sent in after tomorrow will be filled as soon after the 10th as possible.

The freshman examinations, beginning on the 26th of this month, occur in the following order: Monday, March 25, Latin; Tuesday, Greek; Thursday, French and German; Friday, one-hour examination in Physics; Saturday, Trigonometry; Tuesday, April 4, Classical Literature. The examination in German is not required from those who received a grade of seventy-five per cent. on last term's work.

There has been a great deal of energy shown in the tug-of-war teams among the classes. This energy has resulted in arousing the enthusiasm of the graduates. Therefore, after great persuasion, certain members of the Law and Medical Schools have decided to test their respective merits. These men have given careful attention to strict training during the winter. The prizes will be in Bartlett's window during the coming week. The following-named compose the teams as at present selected: Law School - W. H. Cook, '80; J. S. How, '81; C. W. Andrews, '82; A. E. Lane, '82. Medical School - H. W. Kilburn, '80; W. D. Swan, '81; A. Coolidge, Jr., '81; G. H. Francis, '82. The tug will probably take place Monday night, March 26, at the special meeting of the H. A. A.

At the meeting of the Havard Union last evening the question of German State socialism was thoroughly debated. The sympathies of the meeting, as shown by the several votes taken, were all decidedly opposed to the system proposed by the Socialists. The next debate will be, "Resolved, That the present tendency toward monopoly in the United States should be checked by legislative enactment.
