EDITORS HARVARD HERALD: In a letter published by you a few days ago I complained of the small amount of subscription received thus far from the freshman class for the university crew. I send herewith a table showing the total amount of money subscribed by each class: '83, $457; '84, $866; '85, $691; '86, $492; sp. st., $15; S. S., $20; L. S., $20; anon., $5. This makes the total amount subscribed $2573.50. Last year the total amount subscribed during the whole year was $3958.50, and even this was found insufficient to meet the expenses. At least $2000 more of subscriptions will be needed this year, and I must again urge all to subscribe as liberally as they can when called on. I remain very respectfully,
L. E. SEXTON.Treas. H. U. B. C.
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