EDITORS HARVARD HERALD : I noticed in your yesterday's issue two communications relating to the winter meetings of the H. A. A. In regard to the one signed "Impecunious," I would say that the price of reserved seat tickets is the same this year as last, viz., seventy-five cents, including the entrance ticket, or fifty cents to a member of the H. A. A., who is admitted on his membership ticket. The reasons why the accociation needs money were stated in an editorial in your yesterday's issue.
In regard to the communication signed "'84, " I would say that it has been found inexpedient to number the reserved seats at all. "The overcrowding of the reserved seats" last year was due largely to the fact that a number of persons who did not have reserved seat tickets occupied reserved seats. Greater care will be taken this year to see that only holders of reserved seat tickets occupy reserved seats. Of course in the sale of tickets the principle will be "first come first served."
Respectfully yours,
G. E. LOWELL. Pres. H. A. A.
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Tickets for Winter Meetings.