

Ranney, '83, is training for his class crew.

The repairing of Pach's studio has begun.

The Exeter concert by the Glee Club will be given Friday, March 9.

Chambers Baird has a poem entitled "Heine," in last night's Transcript.

The winter sports at Princeton occur on Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22.


President Porter of Yale will preach in Appleton Chapel Sunday evening.

The winter games of the Institute of Technology occur Saturday, Feb. 17.

Five men rowed on the senior crew yesterday. Capt. Hammond coached the crew.

The Glee Club sing by invitation at the rooms of the Boston Art Club Saturday, March 3.

Mr. Brooks Adams gave his first lecture on "Constitutional Law" yesterday in the Law School.

A member of the senior crew has a total strength of 850. This breaks the record this year so far.

Prof. Whitney will commence a series of lectures in N. H. 18, after the midyears, on "Mining Geology."

Ten negatives were found uninjured among the ruins of Pach's studio. Only two of these, however, were accepted.

Peace of Princeton has announced his intention of remaining at that college another year and playing on the college eleven.

Just twelve minutes after the alarm of fire sounded yesterday morning the Brattle-square engine reached Harvard square.
