

The destruction of Pach's studio by fire on Friday night last, necessarily interferes seriously with the work of photographing the class. However, as the books were saved and are legible, though more or less damaged by water, it can be ascertained within a short time just who are to sit again. In general it may be stated that all who had accepted negatives as satisfactory prior to 3 o'clock Friday afternoon, will not be obliged to make further sittings; all negatives selected up to that time were sent to New York, and so escaped destruction. Mr. Pach hopes to be able to make temporary arrangements so that the regular work with the class may be resumed within a few days. As soon as these arrangements are determined upon announcement will be made; also a list of those seniors whose negatives have been destroyed will be published. It is hoped that such members of the class will exercise the utmost generosity in furnishing sittings, and so help forward the class work thus unavoidably delayed.

R. BURNHAM MOFFAT,Chairman Committee.
