

The university crew begin on the sliding seats today.

Freshman Advanced Latin begins Horace's Odes tomorrow.

The annual dinner of the Alpha Delta Phi Society takes place in Boston tonight.

A. Moffat, '84, has been elected captain of Princeton's foot-ball team for the ensuing year.

The advanced Greek of the freshman class are the only sections that will take up Greek prose this year.


The shower bathroom at the gymnasium has been closed since Thursday on account of painting and repairs.

A dispatch has been received at the Harvard Observatory from Kiel, Prussia, announcing the discovery of a new planet.

The attendants at chapel have been highly favored of late. On Friday Mr. McCagg, and on Saturday Mr. S. Coolidge sang a solo.

There will be a meeting of the senior crew (last year's members) in the meeting room of the gymnasium this afternoon at 5.15 sharp.

The German readers for Mr. Cook's advanced freshman section have arrived, and can be obtained at the Cooperative or at Sever's.

What style of dancing can it be that they adopt in New Haven? The News reports that "at the senior german two young ladies sprained their ankles."

The way of the delayer is hard. Those delinquent seniors who waited to choose their proofs are now mourning the cremation of their "second-selves."

A meeting of the advisory committee of the Yale Boat Club was held Saturday afternoon, and their deliberations will be submitted to the Boat Club this evening.

The Harvard column in last Saturday's Traveller argues against a three-year course, and in favor of the idea of a University Club lately discussed in the HERALD.

Peace, of Princeton foot-ball fame, is not only president of the Base-Ball Association, but is also a candidate for the Princeton nine. He is said to be a heavy batter.

The students of the University of Michigan are ambitious to produce "Iolanthe" in the spring.

The snow, which covered entirely the icy places in the yard on Saturday, afforded many illustrations of the fact that the wicked stand in slippery places, while the good men fall.

The Inter-Collegiate Athletic Convention will be held in New York, Saturday, Feb. 17 at 2 P. M. The delegates from Harvard are Messrs. G. E. Lowell, '83, and T. J. Coolidge, '84.

Gov. Butler is to be invited to address the literary societies of Colby University, Maine; but he will probably decline, as his relations with his alma mater have never been cordial since she changed her name.

The fire at Pach's studio on Friday night was discovered by a roundsman on Main street. Noticing through the side-lights of the operating room the reflection of a bright light, he forced open the door and saw the flames breaking through the partition that separated the "dark room" from the reception room. The nearest box was at the junction of Main street and Putnam avenue; but for some reason he was unable to open this, and much time was consumed while he made his way to Harvard square. There is little doubt but that the fire was caused by an overheated stove in the dark room, and speedy combustion was caused by the number of chemicals stored there. In round numbers the loss is estimated at $5000; insured for $1500. The chief loss, however, is in the large number of negatives that were in the operating room awaiting shipment to New York.
