We publish in our columns this morning the official rules adopted by the meeting at Springfield to govern the Harvard-Yale race. These rules provide that the race between the two universities shall be a fixed annual event, thus doing away with the necessity of annual challenges. It is also wisely provided that these rules be in force until repealed by the consent of both boat clubs. If any new point of dispute arises, the decision of it is to be left to the referee.
The rules governing the actual rowing of the race seem to provide for all possible contingencies. Either boat is to be disqualified if at any point during the race it should be nearer than ten feet or farther than ninety feet from the central line of buoys. It is further provided that if during the first ten strokes either boat shall be disabled by any bona fide accident the start shall be taken over again. The following is the substance of the provision in regard to the position of the boats at the start: Each boat shall carry a flag nine by five inches on a metal rod eighteen inches high, the rod to be fixed perpendicularly at the stem of the shorter boat, and on the longer boat at a distance from the stem equal to half the difference in the lengths of the boats.
This arrangement is not opened to the objections, brought up during the numerous discussions, to starting the boats by their middle points. The flags will enable the the referee, and even the spectators to judge the position of the boats at the finish as well as when they finished by the bows. The agreement was not, therefore, so much a compromise as a decision perfectly satisfactory to both parties.
The rules seem to leave no point untouched about which a dispute might arise, and the provision that should any such point come up the referee shall decide it on the day of the race, will do away with all useless discussion, and there will be no danger of the crews being left in the nervous and uncertain state of last year.
Read more in Opinion
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