

The second annual Inter-collegiate Lacrosse convention was held in Cambridge yesterday. The meeting was called to order by President Gilmore of Princeton; Mr. Marquand of Harvard acted as secretary. The delegates present were, Princeton, Gilmore and Hodge; Columbia, Atkins and Clements; New York University, Skerry and Kingsley; Harvard, Noble and Machado. An application was made by Yale to join the association, and it was granted. Messrs. Cottle and McDowell were admitted as delegates from that college. A constitution based on that of the National Amateur Lacrosse Association was discussed and adopted. The most important work before the convention was the adoption of a set of playing rules for the game. The old rules were considerably simplified, so as to adapt them to the conditions necessary for a college association. The chief changes made were in the rules as regards fouls and the powers of umpires and referee. Punishments for fouls were specified, as well as the penalty for forfeited games.

Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows: President, Noble, '84, Harvard; vice-president, Cottle. Yale; secretary-treasurer, Hodge, '83, Princeton. An executive committee was also appointed, which is to arrange the dates of matches. The championship of the past year was formally voted to Harvard. The convention hereafter will meet annually.
