President Chadbourne of Amherst College is dying in New York.
Washington's Birthday was observed in an appropriate manner in several cities of the United States and in London and Berlin.
About twelve hundred people witnessed the bicycle races in the Institute Fair building in Boston yesterday. The events were well contested; Prince beat the best two-mile American record.
The news of the loss of the steamer Ashuelot is officially confirmed by a despatch from the commander of the United States steamer Richmond, dated Hong Kong, February 21, to Secretary Chandler.
The Yale freshmen and sophomores came into collision yesterday morning. The freshmen carried large canes, and in passing through the double line of sophomores they were greeted with storms of cheers. As the freshmen passed into the chapel they made so much noise with their canes that President Porter characterized their action as ungentlemanly. After recitation the freshmen and sophomores began a contest, but, a member of the faculty appearing, the belligerents dispersed.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 23, 1883, 1 A. M. For New England, slightly colder north-east to north-west winds, occasional light snow and partly cloudy weather, higher barometer.
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