There was skating yesterday on Holmes field.
There are twenty candidates for the nine at Exeter.
Brown University has just received a bequest of $250,000.
Princeton's "annual billiard tournament" is now in progress.
There are 17 Harvard graduates at the Columbia Law School.
The "Correspondence of Emerson and Carlyle," edited by Prof. Norton, has just been published.
The Bicycle Club dinner takes place at Young's this evening. Tickets, $2 (non-members, $2.50).
Harvard Bicycle Club: The book at Bartlett's for subscriptions to the dinner will be closed at 2 P. M. today.
Mr. George Riddle is to appear in a favorite role with Mary Anderson at her last performance in Boston next Saturday evening.
President Eliot, Dr. A. P. Peabody and Prof. J. M. Pierce are expected to be present at the coming Harvard Club dinner in New York.
Annual meeting of the Co-operative Society for the presentation of reports and election of officers in Boylston 5 at 7.30 this evening.
The new list of affiliated tradesmen of the Co-operative Society will be out on March 1st, the date of the expiration of former contracts.
Prof. Norton will place copies of the pamphlet to be used in Fine Arts V. on sale at the Co-operative Society's office, this morning.
Signatures of members of the Co-operative Society cannot be received until Thursday next. The old tickets are good at the office till that date.
A symposium on "Educational Needs," by Professor G. Stanley Hall, Professor Felix Adler, President Thomas Hunter and Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi appears in the March number of the North American Review.
The Young Men's Christian Association of New England Colleges has been holding its first annual conference at Yale College. Eleven colleges were represented, and the exercises were of an interesting character. College students were urged to greater activity in the cause of foreign missions.
The Acta says that "Columbia hopes to get on the water this spring two such crews as have seldom represented any college."
Mr. Paul Dana, a son of Charles A. Dana, editor of the N. Y. Sun, and a graduate of Harvard, is to assume editorial charge of that paper during the latter's absence in California.
The editors-in-chief of the Boston Advertiser from 1814, one year after its founding, up to the present time have all been college graduates; two graduated from Harvard, one from Yale and one from Williams.
A large audience attended Mr. Taussig's lecture last evening on the tariff legislation. Mr. Taussig gave an interesting discourse, speaking in detail of the tariffs of 1824, 1828 and 1832. The next lecture will begin with the compromise tariff of 1833.
"Emerson as a poet and essayist was rated sixth or seventh in his class in Harvard," writes Josiah Quincy, whose letters have just been published. The names of the six or seven geniuses greater than Emerson have, unfortunately, escaped the memory of the biographer.
One must go away from home to learn the news: The Cornell Sun informs us that "Harvard will hold no class races this spring." It was the same paper that published recently as a matter of news that "Yale defeated Harvard" at New London last spring.
In the Senate, on Saturday, Mr. Bayard offered an amendment to the freebook bill, giving individuals the right to import books, etc., for their own use and not for sale, free of duty. Mr. Bayard explained that his object was to give poor scholars and students cheaper foreign books.
In order that the members of N. H. 6 may know the price of a "dissection cat," it may be stated that Prof. Burt G. Wilder, now lecturing at Bowdoin College, advertises that he wishes to obtain "cats, and occasionally kittens," for dissection or experiment, and that twenty cents will be paid for a full-grown cat. The cats, he explains, are killed with chloroform, or while under its influence, and never suffer any pain, making this a merciful way of disposing of superfluous animals.
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