The funeral of Wagner, the composer, will occur tomorrow at Bayreuth.
A despatch from Nice, France, says that Prince Gortschakoff is dying.
A diamond mine at Braidwood, III., caved in yesterday, and over sixty lives were lost.
General Sherman is desirous of retiring from the head of the army after the present year.
Another important arrest was made in Dublin yesterday in connection with the conspiracy to murder government officials.
Mr. Rerdell continued his testimony in the star-route trial yesterday, much damaging evidence against the Dorseys being elicited.
General Hazen's friends claim that he proposes to ask for a military court of inquiry into the charges made against him by Congressman Beltzhoover.
The will of the late Governor Jewell of Connecticut, admitted to probate yesterday, contains bequests amounting to about $500,000, none of which are of a public character.
The Ohio river is slowly receding, and a further rise is not anticipated. Active measures for the relief of the sufferers have been inaugurated in all parts of the country, and liberal contributions are being hourly received.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 17, 1. A. M. For New England, during the day, warmer, south to west winds, fog and rain, lower barometer.
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