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The misunderstanding between Pach Bros. and the Heliotype Company is much to be regretted. If seniors could always obtain albums with pictures of each member of their class at so small a cost as $12, it would probably soon become a custom for the graduating class to have heliotype albums. It is now for '83 to decide whether they shall have the albums at $18. It should be borne in mind that the albums offered for $18 will be much more desirable than those that were to be sold at $12. Instead of four there will be only two pictures on a page, and the pictures will consequently not be crowded. The additional expense of six dollars is to be regretted, but we hope that enough men in '83 will care to have pictures of their whole class to make up the number to seventy-five.

Let '83 start the example of having a class album. A man graduates from college but once in his life and surely it is worth $18 to have an album containing the pictures of all the members of one's class.


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