


The committee of the French Chamber of Deputies have voted to banish the princes.

Col. Roland G. Usher of Lynn has been appointed warden of the Concord State Prison.

Richard H. Dana of Cambridge, with his wife and Miss Alice Longfellow, are visiting in Washington.

The President has recognized William Lane Booker as consul-general of her Britannic Majesty for the States of New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Connecticut, to reside at New York.

The floods in the West are still on the rise, and a panic prevails throughout the inundated district. Great suffering is experienced from the want of food and clothing, and assistance is called for.


Calender's seven-story billiard factory at Stamford, Conn., was burned to the ground last night. The loss is estimated at $225,000. The fire is still raging, and other buildings are in immediate danger.

President Bartlett of Dartmouth College has been confined to his house for a week with a severe attack of influenza, attended with almost entire loss of voice, but is now better, and expects to be out in a few days.

The funeral of Commander Morris took place at Trinity Church,. Newport, yesterday noon. The ceremony was attended by the naval display due the rank of the deceased. Prominent officers and civilians were in attendance. The remains were taken to New York.

The Hon. H. G. Parker and Francis J. Parker, executors of the late Chief Justice Joel Parker, have notified the trustees of Dartmouth College of their readiness to pay to the college the sum of $50,000 as the first instalment of Judge Parker's bequest for the establishment of a law department in the institution.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 15, 1. A. M. For New England, snow or rain, casterly to southerly winds, stationary or slight fall in temperature, slight rise followed by falling barometer.
