Mr. Taussig's lecture last night on the "History of the Tariff Legislation of the United States" drew an audience that completely filled Sever Hall. The lecturer dwelt particularly on the acts of 1789 and 1816. The first, which levied very low duties, ranging from five to fifteen per cent., did not touch upon those industries which have since become the great objects of protective controversies. The controversy of 1789 has little connection with those of subsequent years. In 1808, after the embargo, manufacturers, in the sense that we understand them, began, and the textile fabrics and other goods of that class were now manufactured in factories rather than in household industries. In the tariff act of 1816 came a more direct application of the spirit of protection. Duties still remained moderate, ranging from seven and one-half to thirty per cent. On cotton and woollen goods a duty of twenty-five per cent. was laid, designedly a protective duty, but intended to be only temporary. This tariff was the most scientifically arranged of any of the tariffs of the country, being much superior in that respect to our present tariff. The highest duties were laid on luxuries; carriages, for instance, it is curious to notice, bore a duty of thirty per cent., showing how these vehicles were then regarded by the people. The tariff of 1816 had little popular sentiment behind it, but after this time the tariff acts were in great part the result of popular movement.
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