


Charles R. Thorne, Jr., actor, died in New York Saturday, aged 47 years.

There was a $100,000 fire in Spruce street, New York, at midnight last night.

The Hon. Marshall Jewell, chairman of the Republican national committee, died at Hartford, Conn., Saturday, aged 58 years.

Congressman Speer of Georgia is to receive the nomination for United States attorney for the northern district of Georgia.

It is reported that the further coinage of the new five cent nickel has been stopped, owing to the ease with which it can be made to resemble a five dollar gold piece.


Michael Kavanagh, the man who drove the car in which the assassins of Lord Cavendish and Secretary Burke escaped, has turned informer, and in giving a detailed account of the murder Saturday, positively identified two of the accused.

Another great flood is inundating the Ohio valley. Lawrenceburg, Ind., is entirely submerged, and the people are cut off from all communication with other places. Ten miles of the water front of Cincinnati is under water; the gas supply has been cut off, and the greatest consternation prevails.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 12, 1. A. M. For New England, light snow, followed by clearing weather, northwest to southwest winds, rising barometer, slight change in temperature.
