

EDITORS HARVARD HERALD : On Friday afternoon I learned that the heliotype album, containing four pictures on a page, cannot be produced without permanent injury to the negatives. It seems strange that this was not found out before; but it was only a few days ago that Mr. Pach received back the negatives furnished for the sample, and found that, in order to accommodate four to a page, they had been cut down to a size that rendered it impossible to secure cabinet pictures from them. Therefore we must give up the idea of a heliotype album for $12. I immediately conferred with the Heliotype Company as to the best course to be pursued, and all they can offer is the large album, containing two pictures on a page, and, of course, twice the number of leaves. The pictures will not be so crowded, and the album will be much handsomer and a more suitable souvenir in every way. They also agree to put upon the cover any design we may see fit to give them. The price of this album will be $18, and seventy-five subscriptions before the 17th (next Saturday) are necessary to insure its publication. The deposit of $5 is necessary, as heretofore. Any one who has already subscribed for the $12 album and does not wish to purchase the $18 one, will have his deposit refunded upon application to the undersigned. If all who have subscribed will please make known at once their wishes with regard to this matter, whether they desire the new album or not, they will assist the committee in their work far more than they can appreciate. Any one desiring to subscribe to the album, who has not already handed in a deposit of $5, will please do so at once. We must know by the end of the week whether the class is to have a heliotype album or not.

Very truly yours,

R. BURNHAM MOFFAT,Chairman Committee.


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