The freshman crew have begun to use the sliding seats.
Peters, '86, and Bourne, '84, of Yale are training for the crew.
The Yale Glee Club propose giving a concert in New York during the Easter vacation.
Twenty men are trying for the Yale freshman crew and sixteen for the sophomore crew.
Pach gives it as his opinion that the Wellesley girls are prettier than their Vassar sisters.
Both sections of Political Economy I. will meet Dr. Laughlin at 9 A. M. in Sever 11, on Monday, Feb 12.
The candidates for the freshman nine practice in the cage, and use the chest-weights, running track, etc., on alternate days.
Progress says of the Washington and Lee University, that "the Southern people hope to make it the 'Harvard' of the South."
The third eight of the Pi Eta from '84 are Holt, Lancaster, McDuffie, Rueter, P. C. Smith, Weaver, Williams and Woodruff.
Members of maximum sections in Freshman Greek are required to provide themselves with a copy of the Alcestis of Euripides.
Members of the senior class who desire to order pictures from negatives of Pach, can do so at Amee's today between 10 A. M. and 3 P. M.
Owing to the resignation of T. H. Cabot from the freshman crew Hartley has been changed to No. 4, and his place at No. 2 is filled by Latham.
All freshmen who have subscribed to the Longfellow Memorial Association can obtain their shingles by calling at J. D. Bradley's room, 408 Harvard street.
Oscar Wilde intends writing a book about the United States. It will be interesting to see what he says about his visit to Harvard and his freshman reception in Boston.
The Columbia University crew will train in Wood's gymnasium, New York, this winter. The crew, with one exception, is the same as the one that was to have pulled Harvard last year, and its chances of victory are therefore much better. The Columbia freshmen have thus far twelve candidates for their crew.
Suggested solution of the boating difficulties between Harvard and Yale - A modified form of trial by combat, viz.: that eight men from each college row a boat-race. - [Life.
The Nation contains another communication this week on religious tendencies at Harvard. The writer, "A Graduate," declares that "A Student's" statement in regard to the canvass of the college was erroneous, and, moreover, he maintains that the students of Harvard College are not entirely in favor of voluntary prayers.
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.