The Nebraska legislature yesterday elected General Charles F. Manderson as U. S. Senator.
By the retirement of Rear-Admirals Balch and Bryson, Commander Charles H. Baldwin is promoted to the grade of rear-admiral.
M. Thetaudin has been appointed minister of war in the new French cabinet, and the Orleans princes by a manifesto deny the charges brought against them.
J. H. Vincent, State treasurer of Alabama, is a defaulter to the extent of $227,000. The misappropriated funds are supposed to have been lost through speculation in cotton.
The reception and ball of the Boston Commandery of Knights Templars in the Mechanics' Fair Building, Boston, last evening, attracted an audience of six or eight thousand, and was a success in every particular.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 1, 1. A. M. For New England, cold, fair weather, westerly winds, higher pressure.
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