

It is doubtful if Princeton will be represented on the water next spring.

Mr. Swett, janitor of Grays Hall, recently died from heart disease.

The Glee Club has three engagements for next week.

Gen. Daniel Pratt, gave a recital of his own poetry yesterday at Memorial.

The Yale foot-ball association has a surplus of six hundred dollars in the treasury.


Lecture by Prof. Allen today at 11 A. M. in Sever 18 on History and Methods of Classical Study.

The business hours of the Cooperative store close at 6.30 P. M. now. It was erroneously given as 9.30 P. M.

The attention of the janitors of the college building should be called to the match-peddlars who infest the yard.

Another Lampoon out today. All who fail to get this number will be guilty of criminal negligence.

The Columbia library will hereafter be open in the evenings as an electric lighting apparatus will soon be put in position.

Yale '81's Class Cup goes to the baby of a colored member of the class, this youngster being the first of his race to have this distinction.

The following men from '84, have been elected members of the Hasty Pudding Club: Hawkins, and J. E. Howe; honorary, Richards and Ledyard.

The Yale freshmen have challenged the Harvard freshman to play off the tie on condition that the game be played outside of Cambridge.

The Yale News is anxious to see Harvard and Vassar in an inter-collegiate croquet match. The News offers ten to one on Vassar.

The track at Hamilton park, where Hendee has been credited with reducing the bicycle records has been found to be short.
