In connection with the subject of the marking system, the question of the examination system naturally arises. It is of course difficult to add to this subject anything beyond what is annually said in its condemnation by both professors and students. The thought that most naturally suggests itself, however, is one of wonder that today the problem sems no nearer solution at Harvard than it did when its discussion was first started an untold number of years ago. Every year condemnation of the system grows fiercer and more general Not only students, but professors of the most conservative habit of mind unite in a sympathetic chorus of disapprobation. Professor Norton, Professor Child, and Professor White, besides many others have particularly expressed the most positive opinions on the subject. And as yet so far as we know no more has been done either towards reform or towards an abolition of the system. It is indeed an exceedingly humiliating thought that the combined wisdom and experience of the Harvard faculty cannot or does not devise some substitute or reform for the present evil methods.
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