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All those interested in base-ball can not but feel encouraged at the recent decision of the committee in regard to the nine. It seems very probable that the nine will be allowed a professional coach, and we trust that an early final decision will be given by the committee that the nine management may have ample time to secure the services of a good man. We do not know when the prospects of the nine have been brighter, for only one of last year's players has left college, and the nine will go upon the field in the spring with a year's experience. Our pitchers have been working all summer and have already shown great improvement, both in delivery and speed. It is too early in the year for any change in batting to be noticeable; and here again a coach will be of great service. We think that with such a fielding nine as we had last year and an increase of batting, that there is no reason why the nine of '84 should not hold a leading position at the end of the season.
