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Saturday's game again brought forcibly to the attention of everyone who was seated the need of some definite action in the future to keep people from lining up in front of the seats. Attention has already been called to the nuisance, though unavailingly, and it is now of course too late to do anything to correct it this year. However, it is a most fitting time to suggest that some regulations against it ought to be made before the next season. It has become almost a regular habit at every game for a few thoughtless persons, towards the end, to leave their places and stand nearer the line without paying any attention to the fact that they were obstructing the view of those behind. This had the effect of bringing those who could not see as well into the line and straightway those on the lower tiers of seats were compelled to abandon them if they wished to see anything of the game. Such a thing is thoughtless or else contemptible in those who first move forward, and in either case an end ought to be made of the practice. If some definite regulation was made forbidding it or if some person were given the charge of the grounds, it could easily be stopped. It is necessary to recognize this selfish tendency of persons to try and get front places in spite of those in the rear. As it is now, the end of the game is lost to many who are anxious to see it, which is of course a great injustice to them. And in view of the fact that, if the seats were kept, more could see the game advantageously than if a portion of the spectators move forward, there seems to be no reason against compelling those who care to witness the games to view them from the seats.
