About 700 people gathered on Jarvis field Saturday to see the match for the championship of the freshman classes in Harvard and Yale. The teams were late in getting on to the field, and the crowd had to sit shivering in the face of a cold north-east wind for over half an hour before play was called. The ground was very slippery, making rushing almost impossible and good kicking not a little difficult. A glance at the teams as they entered the field could not fail to detect the great advantage of weight possessed by the New Haven eleven. In fact the Yale rush line averaged 182 pounds to Harvard's 159.
Harvard had the kick-off and Willard sent the ball well up the field immediately, and before Yale seemed to realize what was going on, the ball was down on their five yard line. Work was very sharp for the next few minutes, but at last Harvard secured the ball and sending it out to Willard scored a goal from the field by his very pretty drop kick. At this very favorable turn of affairs Harvard did not attempt to conceal her enthusiasm, and Willard's name was cheered time and again. Yale was not disheartened, however, by this set back and from their kick-off forced the ball well up the field, but our half-backs were ready for them, and good kicking by Willard and Peabody, aided by the fine rushing of Cochrane, brought the ball to Yale's ten yard line again. Cowling caught and kicked finely, though he was closely watched by the Yale rushers. One of the latter attempted to foul him once, but Cowling brushed him away most unceremoniously to the delight of the freshmen. Play went on with varying success, Yale gaining by good rushing, but Willard making up the lost ground for Harvard whenever the ball got into the air. In one of the scrimmages Cowling was injured and was replaced by Russell. Just before the end of the first three-quarters the ball was forced well up to our poles, when suddenly Peabody slipped out around the Yale rushers and after a very brilliant run deposited the ball clear in the centre of the field by a long punt. Our line was no longer threatened and time was called with the score 5 to 0 in our favor.
In the second three-quarters Yale set to work desperately to recover the lost ground, but every time the ball approached our line the perfect catching and kicking of Willard saved the day, and Yale could not even score a safety. Coxe and Ketchum, whose weight aggregated about 450 pounds, tried their best to score for the blue, but were foiled in every attempt. Many of our men were conspicuous for their good tackling, notably Cochrane, Burgess and Fiske, while Brooks often gained ground by sharp rushing. As time wore on it seemed that Harvard must win, but just before the close Dennen kicked a goal from the field, tieing the score.
Peabody caught and kicked very finely throughout the game, but the best playing on either side was done by Willard, whose judgment and accuracy were remarkable. His play was cool and steady throughout, and the fact that he did not miss a catch or a kick shows how close a game he played. For Yale Dennen played remark-ably well, but barring his work the blue was unquestionably out-played, for had it not been for their advantage in weight our sharp tackling and sure kicking must have added to our score. Our freshmen showed a lack of endurance toward the end, but this was not strange seeing that their practice this fall has been limited to three-quarters of an hour a day. On the whole, '87 is to be heartily congratulated on their good work, for though playing in the face of many obstacles as they were forced to do, they proved themselves fully as powerful, if not superior to their opponents. Their captain, too, deserves especial commendation for his fair and impartial management, as well as his very effective play in the field. The contesting teams were as follows : Harvard, '87-Forwards, Tilton, Brooks Burgess, Cochrane, (capt.) Keyes, Bartol and Fiske; quarter-back, Fletcher; half-backs, Willard and Cowling (Russell); back, Peabody. Yale, '87-Forwards, Corwin, Marlon, Rogers, Coxe, Ketchum, Ronnalds and Goodwin; quarter-back, Bayne; half-backs Young and Dennen (capt.); back, Woodward. Umpire for Harvard, R. M. Appleton, '84; umpire for Yale, J. D. Ferris, Yale '85; referee, Mr. E. C. Peace, Princeton '83.
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