This institution, which is situated in the same town as Amherst College, is known as the Agricultural college. President Greenough, indorsed by the menders of the faculty has inaugurated a new system of study which ought to prove of great benefit to a large class of young men and have an important bearing on the higher education of the times. In addition to the previous instruction in farming and hortieulture, he proposes to furnish a full four years course in the natural sciences, modern languages and literature, together with philosophy, economy and history. As our ordinary colleges are the supplements to the classical academies and schools, so this college will be supplementary to the English high schools.
This sharp division of science from the classics he considers quite important and beneficial ; for, if one is to exclude the ancient languages, every opportunity ought to be given for the best development of natural science, modern languages, etc. On this point of separation many will take issue with President Greenough, yet a well established college of his design ought to meet the needs of many wanting a cheaper and more practical education than that of the ordinary classical college.
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