As successors to the Harvard Echo, we have every now and then received matter addressed to it, but. not until yesterday were we made aware that it had female contributors. Then we are received a letter from the founder of a "School of Industrial Art for Women," asking for the help of our late contemporary "so far as to publish the whole or any part of the enclosed article, that all women among your contributors, needing help. (and I doubt not there are many) may know of this opportunity and avail themselves of it." We thoroughly appreciate the efforts of the writer in behalf of her sex, and wish all success to her noble efforts; and if we felt that by publishing the article in question we could in any way advance the interests of the Echo's female contributors, we should not hesitate to do so; but we fear that said contributors, if any such remain, are by this time quite beyond our reach. For ourselves, we have no female contributors; but if we may flatter ourselves that we have any readers among the fair sex, we take great pleasure in informing them of the existence of this school, and shall be happy to furnish them with further information by mail.
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