

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Dr. E. R. Humphreys requests of his former pupils now in the several classes at Harvard their informing their friends that he will, after Christmas, have a vacancy in his house for one resident pupil. A gentlemanly and earnest youth would find a kind and comfortable home with such tuition as they had from him. For circular address E. R. Humphreys, 129 West Chester Park, Boston.

Dec. 15, 1883.

Wanted.-A set of lawn tennis in good condition, including balls and two or four rackets. Address with price, B., care the college postman.

For Sale-Two tickets to Irving's Hamlet, which the owner is unable to use, Thursday evening. Sixth row; $3.50 each, at 28 Weld.

Tutoring in Freshman Physics, Geometry, German, Greek and Latin. Best of references given. Please apply to Franklin Wyman, 48 College House.


Have you bought that Newmarket yet? H. Landon Hurlbert, tailor, 125 Tremont street, Boston, recommends this garment as the swell coat for young men.

Mr. E. J. Ferris, has finally consented to take classes in sparring to consist of four members each. Terms: twenty-four lessons (private) $20; twenty-four lessons (in classes) $15. Those wishing to enter the winter sports should commence at once. Hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., over Ramsay's drug store.
