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The Kappa Alpa Society at Cornell University is making preparation for the erection of a chapter house.

Mr. Chauncey M. Depew told the Yale alumni at their dinner in New York, recently, that there were 3000 college graduates in that city who could not earn a living.

Dr. R. B. Dixon's new book, "What to Do," is a medical work. It tells what to do when a physician cannot be obtained, or what should be done before the physician's arrival.

The American Astronomical Society have volunteered an explanation of our recent fiery sunsets in theory that the earth is at present passing through space particularly rich in metoric matter.

A new edition of "Students' Songs," comprising the twenty-first thousand, has just been published by Moses King. This edition comprises over sixty of the songs as now sung at all leading colleges in America. Compiled by W. H. Hills (Harvard 1880), with the astance of F. R. Burton. '82.


Oxford is greatly excited by an attempt to appoint a dissentor as examiner of students in church theology, including the "39 articles." Prof. Jowett, lately attempted, according to custom, to address a meeting in Latin, but mixed his genders, broke down and fell back on English.

"Vacation at Harvard and Yale" is the title of a comedy presented at the New Haven Opera House recently. The argument is the adventures of a Yale and a Harvard student and two Vassar College girls. Among the features were representations of a scull race and college sports and games.
