One of the Baltimore papers speaks of Prof. Sylvester's approaching departure from that city in the following words. "A farewell assembly will be held in his honor at an early day, in the Hopkins Library. During his residence in Baltimore Professor Sylvester has given an extraordinary impulse to the study of mathematics; having taught a number of pupils whose services have been sought for at Harvard in the East, and the University of California in the Wesh, and at many intermediate points. Among them are Story, Craig, and Franklin, now in Johns Hopkins; Marston, of Baltimore; Gore, lately of the University of Virginia and now in the University of North Carolina; Halstead at Princeton; Mitchell at Marietta; Ely at Buchtel, O.; Stringham in the University of California; Van Velzer in the University of Wisconsin; Prentiss of the United States Nautical Almanac; and Durfee, just appointed to Hobart College."
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Freshman Class Meeting.