

Professor Sophocies died early yesterday morning.

Mr. Henry Irving visited Cambridge one afternoon last week.

There will be a meeting of the College Faculty today in U. 5 at 3.30 P. M.

The freshman examination today will be in French and German.

Lafayette college is to have a new gymnasium.


There were no recitations yesterday in Philosophy 6 or 7.

Professor Agassiz has gone to India. He will not be back till April.

The hour examination in Music 3. has been postponed until Monday, Jan. 7th.

The Index did not appear yesterday, as previously announced, on account of an unavoidable delay.

A number of valuable additions have lately been made to the collection of birds in the Agassiz Museum.

Salvini is going to play in English at the Covent Garden Theatre in London next spring.

A number of amateur players have organized a base-ball association for the season of 1884, to be called the Tremonts of Boston.

Mr. Frank Sargent, formerly of Harvard College, is giving lectures on dramatic art according to Delsarte to private audiences in New York.

Mr. Croswell's divisions in freshman Greek are requested to leave blue books in their recitation room before next Friday.

A glee club has been formed at the Technology. The chief difficulty seems to be a lack of tenors.
