From the catalogue of Yale just issued we learn that the total number of students in all departments is 1092, which is four less than last year, and 430 less than the number in our catalogue of 1883-84. Thus while we have gained nearly a hundred since last year, Yale has not advanced ; but actually shows a small decrease in attendance. No change has been made in the various courses for this year. One change is noticeable, that of the lengthening of the long vacation from eleven to twelve weeks and a corresponding shortening of the Christmas holidays from three weeks to two. This conforms more to the present Harvard vacations. A gratifying increase of the library is noted. About 9000 volumes have been added during the past year, most of which were purchased, by means of a special gift, from the valuable library of the late Mr. Cooke of Providence. The whole number of books in the Yale library is given at 161, 000, about 50,000 less than the number in Gore Hall and 116,000 less than the whole Harvard collection, which includes the special libraries of the various departments.
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