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As a specimen of the generosity with which Yale supports all college enterprises, the following account of the collection of subscriptions for her new athletic grounds is of interest and should serve as a stimulus to Harvard: Ever since the idea of providing Yale college with new athletic grounds by means of college subscriptions was started in '81, every class since then has been thoroughly canvassed for subscriptions. The idea being a new one and an exceedingly good one, more liberal subscriptions were given by the students then, than are now being collected; one man in '81 giving $1,000 and two in '85 giving the same amount. These sums were given where there was to be no benefit for the money expended except in the future and to be enjoyed by the incoming classes. This year for the first time the two lower classes have been canvassed, which two classes are the only ones now in college which will reap any benefit from the new grounds; '86 has given about $2,000, and the freshman class, it is hoped, will double that amount, so that the grounds may be opened without any debts upon them next year.
